Ladies Cookstove Class and Fig Apple Rum Tart

YIKES!!! Almost burned the fapple tart while writing a post about the Ladies Cookin’ on a Wood Cookstove class.

I’ve been cooking on a wood cookstove since I was 21 and that’s been a few years. A lot of years, actually. And a lot of cookstoves. Anyway, since a bunch of ladies have been asking me lately to teach a class on the topic, I thought I’d just teach a ladies cookstove class.  I’m excited, this will be extra fun! We’ll chop wood, talk btu’s, play with fire, and enjoy a cosy fall feast. This class is more affordable than usual since there are fewer ingredients to be purchased.


Meanwhile, my fig tree heard it’s about to frost and so it’s going biserk with ripe figs. So I’ve thought I’d make a two layer tart with fallen apples on the bottom and figs on the top. I have no idea how it will taste, but it looks and smells great. Here’s how I made it:

Fig Apple Rum Tart

1 unbaked pie crust

2 peeled, very thinly sliced apples

About a quart of fresh figs or whatever you can get. I grow Brown Turkey figs

A tablespoon of sugar and half that of flour, sprinkled with a little cinnamon

Zest of an organic lemon

Some fig jam, or any kind of not-purple jam you have on hand and about a tablespoon of rum or two

Roll out your pie crust and place it into a pie plate. Around the center, lay out your apple slices. Sprinkle them with a mixture of flour, sugar, and cinnamon … just a whisper. Now, de-stem and quarter your fresh figs and toss them gently gently gently with some jam thinned with rum and the lemon zest. Layer your figs from the outside in and then fold the edges of the pie crust over the outsides of the filling. Bake on bottom third of oven preheated to 400 degrees. About 40 minutes, more or less, should do you.

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